8th Grade Parents Night Out
8th GRADE FUNDRAISER ~ Parents Night Out
The 8th Grade is hosting a Parents Night Out babysitting fundraiser on Saturday, December 7, from 6:30-9:30pm in the St. Bernadette Cafeteria. This is an excellent opportunity for parents to enjoy a date night or Christmas shop while 8th Grade students and adult volunteers babysit. Children in Pre-K - Grade 5 are welcome, and the cost is $25 per child in advance ($30 per child at the door). Food, Crafts, and Games will be provided. Credit Cards, Cash, or Checks payable to Saint Bernadette School (memo line - Parents Night Out) are accepted.
Any questions? Please contact Cindy Keen, Middle School Grade Representative at grade_rep_middle@stbernschool.org.
Please select Credit Card or Check at checkout. Please note a 3% Convenience Fee is added to all Credit Card transactions and will be reflected on your electronic receipt.
**Please include your Child(ren)'s Names & Grades in the Comments Section.**